
The Lilac Boston Terrier: Understanding the Genetics of This Unusual Hue

on March 12, 2024
The Lilac Boston Terrier: Understanding the Genetics of This Unusual Hue

In the realm of Boston Terriers, the Lilac Boston Terrier stands out with its captivating lilac hue, a rarity born from unique genetics. This post unveils the secrets behind their extraordinary color, explores their personality, and guides on their care, health, and the ethics of breeding these eye-catching canines. Join us as we delve into the world of these charming dogs, whose coat color challenges the norm and captures the heart.

Are Lilac Boston Terriers Rare?

Lilac Boston Terriers are relatively rare. Their distinctive coat color is the result of a specific genetic dilution that occurs in both brown and black Boston Terriers. This dilution gene (d allele) transforms the standard coat colors into a mesmerizing blue/purple shade, known in canine circles as 'lilac'.

Eye Color and Identification

When trying to identify a lilac Boston Terrier, one of the first things you'll notice is their expressive eyes. Puppies often have a captivating baby blue color which, unless they have a 'glass eye', deepens into various shades of light green, hazel, or gold as they mature. Along with their striking eye color, you can recognize a lilac Boston by the distinctive purple pigmentation of their eye rims, noses, and paw pads.


Lilac Boston Terriers share the same endearing temperament as their traditionally colored counterparts. These dogs are known for their intelligence, ease of training, sociability, and fun-loving spirit. Their adaptable nature makes them excellent companions for a variety of households.


While their coat color might be unusual, caring for a Lilac Boston Terrier is similar to caring for any Boston. Their short and smooth single-layer coat requires minimal maintenance. Occasional brushing and bathing are typically sufficient. However, due to their sparse coat, they can be sensitive to extreme temperatures, so it's essential to protect them from harsh weather conditions.


As with all dog breeds, Lilac Boston Terriers can be prone to certain health issues. Their short snouts can lead to snoring and other breathing difficulties, so it's crucial to monitor their respiratory health. Regular veterinary check-ups can help ensure they stay healthy.

Responsible Breeding

The unique hue of Lilac Boston Terriers does not align with the breed standards for Boston Terriers set by kennel clubs. This color is considered a gene abnormality and, while it doesn't affect the dog's health or temperament, it is a factor when it comes to breeding standards.

Breeding for specific colors, particularly those not recognized in breed standards, should always be done responsibly. Breeders should prioritize the health and well-being of the dogs over the desire to produce a particular color.


The Lilac Boston Terrier is a testament to the genetic diversity within the canine world. While they may not meet the purebred standards for color, they are no less Boston Terrier in their mannerisms and companionship. They continue to rise in popularity, not just for their striking looks but for their polite, loyal, and well-mannered temperament.

Boston Terriers, including the lilac variety, have found a special place in the hearts of many. If you're considering adding a Lilac Boston Terrier to your family, embrace the journey with knowledge and affection for this captivating canine variation.

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